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Happy Dentist equals Happy Patient and with many positive reflections on how AssistDent helps to make a significant difference to the life of a busy dental practice, here is a typical comment often repeated in Customer Feedback…

“It gives me peace of mind”

AssistDent is a Time Saving Technology

Industry Wide Common Challenges

Collaboration and Co-Operation

  • Save time identifying a high needs patient
  • Ensure consistent clinical diagnosis
  • Placing preventive dentistry and patient health outcomes at the heart of your practice
  • Transfer responsibility back to the patient with evidence; avoidance of doubt
  • Reduce risk of medico-legal claims
  • Detect disease that previously went undetected

Read More HERE – Dental Industry Wide Focus

AssistDent making life a little easier for today’s dentist

Dedicated Dental Clinicians

Consistent Core Strength Within a Dental Practice

  • AI diagnosis benefits you and your patients
  • Ethical focus on prevention before restoration
  • Educate your patients and build trust
  • Evidence your diagnosis impartially
  • Increase patient loyalty

    Read More HERE – Private and NHS Dental Practice

    “Helps me to feel more confident”

    AssistDent Safe-Guarding Future Oral Healthcare

    Dental Insurance Plan Patients

    Improved Pathology Diagnosis for Increased Confidence

    • Quickly reassess your plan patients with ease
    • Protect practice revenues and liability exposure
    • Convert NHS Patients to Plan patients with evidence of improved diagnostic capability
    • Detect disease earlier

    Read More HERE – Dental Insurance Plan Practices

    Maximise income and improve patient satisfaction

    High Performing Dental Associate

    Stand Out From The Crowd

    • Maximise earnings ethically
    • Reduce risk of medico-legal claims
    • Treat NHS and Private patients with efficacy
    • Build patient trust and loyalty with advanced technology
    • Be an industry leader in information and education
    • Create confidence in treatment recommendations
    • Successfully convert interest into treatment uptake

    Would you like to be able to identify a higher needs patient in 8 seconds?

    “Super Smart Artificial Intelligence”

    Dr Jana Denzel; Commenting on AssistDent Benefits

    Read More HERE – High Performing Dental Associate

    Dental Education Deserves the Best Tools

    University Dental Schools

    At The Leading Edge of Modern Day Dentistry 

    • Providing dynamic dental learning experiences
    • Building students expertise in an AI future
    • Online cloud-based education supporting onsite and remote learning 
    • Pioneering revolutionary dental AI solutions
    • Be the ‘go-to’ preferred choice of a Dental Student

    Get Started: Train and Test with AssistDent® Academy

    Read More HERE – University Dental Schools

    AssistDent helps to identify a ‘higher needs patient’  super fast, saving you valuable time!  

    Using AssistDent in your practice enables your clinical team to assess your patients’ oral health in more detail and with increased accuracy. 

    Peer-reviewed research in the British Dental Journal shows Dentists demonstrated that using AssistDent helped to detect 71% more caries than those using radiographs alone.  Very impressive results!  Read more about this important peer-reviewed study HERE.  

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